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Common Human Foods Your Dog Should Avoid

Although it’s not unusual for pet owners to share their favorite foods with their dogs out of love more often than not, however, these foods can be toxic.

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Top 5 Foods Your Dog Should Avoid

Most dog lovers can’t help but give in to their cute pet’s desperate face. They give you those big puppy eyes and they have a way of showing you just how much they want your food. Unfortunately, as tempting as it may be we have to avoid giving them certain foods since it can make your dog sick and in some cases, it could lead to a sad ending. Pay attention to these five human foods that are dangerous for dogs.

Any Human Drinks Besides Water

Sure, you might want to share your cold – or hot – drinks with your furbaby, but that’s really not a good idea. Drinks that contain caffeine can poison your dog with little more than a taste. Caffeine can lead to dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, an abnormal heart rate, and even seizures. And this includes sodas, coffee, tea, and more.

And don’t forget alcohol. Even a couple of drops can poison your dog, causing trouble standing and walking, confusion, injury from stumbling, and more. So be careful not to share any of your drinks and to quickly clean up anything that spills.

Many Fruits and Nuts

Fruits and nuts make great snacks for humans, but most of them are not good for dogs for a variety of reasons. Let’s start with avocados, which contain persin. This is a toxin for dogs that can create gastrointestinal problems. Additionally, the pit is a choking hazard, so it’s best to stay away completely.

Other things to consider include:

  • Parts of peaches, cherries, and apricots have small amounts of cyanide
  • Raisins and grapes are known to cause kidney failure
  • Macadamia nuts have caused tremors, fainting, and vomiting in dogs

Garlic and Onions

Allium is a toxin for dogs, which is found in onions, garlic, leeks, and chives. This toxin can do a great deal of damage, including causing your pup’s red blood cells to rupture. This can lead to damaged organs, gastrointestinal issues, and – at its worst – death. So be sure that you don’t share your Italian dinners or juicy, onion-topped burgers with your four-legged friend.

Bones That Have Been Cooked

There has been a longstanding connection between dogs and their bones. There is absolutely nothing wrong with giving your bestie a nice big raw bone to gnaw on. However, big and raw are the two keywords here.

You probably know that giving your dog small bones can create a choking hazard – and this is certainly true. What many pet owners don’t know is that cooked bones – even large ones – create the same hazard.

When bones are cooked, they can more easily break apart. So when your pup chews on one, the bone can splinter. It can make them choke, but it can also lead to gastrointestinal issues. And in the worst situations, it can rip the gut, leading to death.

Many Sweet Treats That You Love

Sweets and desserts are delicious, so it’s understandable that you want to share them with your favorite pet. However, doing so could just mean that’s the last thing your dog will eat.

Everyone knows that chocolate is bad for dogs. It can lead to both neurological and cardiovascular problems – and potentially death. Keep all of your chocolate put away so that they can’t sneak a bite.

There are other sweets that can cause problems, though. Many baked desserts, chewing gum, some peanut butter, and other treats contain xylitol. This is an artificial sweetener that has led to liver failure, blood sugar problems, seizures, and – in some cases – death. To be safe, only give your dog foods and treats made for dogs.

What to Do If Your Dog Accidentally Ingested Toxic Food

Even with the greatest care, dogs are like kids – they can get into just about anything when you’re back is turned. If you think your furry friend has gotten into something dangerous, there are a few steps to take.

Pay Attention to How They Act

Watch for any signs that something is out of character. If you notice that they are extremely thirsty, are vomiting or have diarrhea, seem lethargic, or are acting abnormally, take note so you can share this information.

Examine Stomach Contents

If your dog happens to vomit, it’s important to take a look at what comes out. It’s not anyone’s idea of fun, but it may give clues as to what your dog ingested. Sometimes, dogs will chew straight through packaging and swallow some of it. So take a peek to see if anything besides food is in there. It’s not a bad idea to take a picture or two, just in case you need to visit the vet.

Call Your Veterinarian

If you have either proof or just suspicions of your dog eating something toxic, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Give your vet a call as soon as possible and explain what’s going on. They’ll let you know what steps to take next.

If, on the other hand, you notice your pet has problems breathing, is unconscious, or seems to be having a seizure, skip the call. Head straight to your vet’s office or an animal hospital.

If you’re like half the population and own a pet then you understand the concerns that arise when it comes to their health. Fortunately, there’s an air purifier for pets designed to keep your furry friend healthy and thriving. CritterZone also acts as a pet odor eliminator so you can breathe happier too.

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